Michael C. Maier, LL.M.

Partner | Attorney at Law (Germany)

Michael C. Maier is an expert in the field of trade mark law and has many years of experience in providing strategic and commercial advice to trade mark owners.

He advises German and international trade mark owners from a wide range of industries, especially in the luxury, fashion and beauty sectors, representing them in all trade mark matters before the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA), the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), and German courts. A particular focus of his practice are legal disputes before the General Court of the European Union (GC) as well as the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and providing full range advice in complex trade mark matters.

Before joining Nordemann, he has practiced trade mark law for several years at various internationally renowned IP firms. Furthermore, in the role of an Associate General Counsel and General Manager, he has headed the trade mark department of one the world’s largest beauty companies being responsible for all luxury trademark and design-related matters globally.

Recognized as an expert in trade mark law, Michael C. Maier is regularly invited to speak at events hosted by renowned institutions such as International Trademark Association (INTA), Fordham University and TU Dresden. He is also an experienced lecturer, currently teaching trade mark law at the Düsseldorf University as well as at the Potsdam University – but has also taught at Harvard Law School and San Francisco Law School as a guest lecturer in the past. Furthermore, he is regularly holding trade mark law seminars across Germany and is co-author of a commentary on the European Union Trade Mark Regulation (EUTMR) released by C. H. Beck, a well-known publishing company in Germany.

Michael C. Maier is fluent in German, English and French and has basic knowledge of Spanish.

  • Publications
    • Co-author of „Unionsmarkenverordnung – Hildebrandt/Sosnitza” [Commentary on European Trade Mark Regulation]
    • Die Beurteilung der Verwechslungsgefahr bei „schwachen Marken“ – Neue Tendenzen in der europäischen Rechtsprechung, MarkenR 1/2023, 9 [Assessing likelihood of confusion involving “weak trade marks” – New tendencies in European case law]
    • Relevanz des Erbringungsorts für die Feststellung der ernsthaften Benutzung – Anmerkung zu EuG „Standard International Management“, MarkenR 10/2022, 425 [Relevance of the place of service for the determination of genuine use – commentary on the General Court‘s judgment “Standard International Management”]
    • Nachweis der ernsthaften Benutzung von Slogans – Anmerkung zu EuG „THINK DIFFERENT“, MarkenR 7-8/2022, 313 [Evidence of genuine use of slogans – commentary on the General Court’s judgment “THINK DIFFERENT“]
    • Abgrenzung von Modellbezeichnungen und Zweitmarken im Bekleidungssektor, MarkenR 6/2022, 252 [Differentiation between model designations and secondary trademarks in the clothing sector]
    • Ernsthafte Benutzung einer Unionsmarke – die Rechtsprechung des EuGH im Überblick, MarkenR 3/2022, 105  [Genuine use of an European Union Trade Mark – an overview of the case law of the CJEU]
    • Ernsthafte Benutzung einer Unionsmarke – Anmerkung zu EuG „Kneissl HoldinG“, MarkenR 1/2022, 11 [Genuine of an European Union Trade Mark – commentary on the General Court’s judgment “Kneissl Holding“]
    • Eintragungsfähigkeit einer Lippenstiftform als dreidimensionale Marke, MarkenR 11-12/2021, 424 [Registrability of the shape off a lipstick shape as a three-dimensional trade mark] – commentary on on the General Court’s judgment “Guerlain”]
    • Markenrecht im Unternehmensalltag, MarkenR 11-12/2021, 401 [Trade Mark law in everyday‘s business]
    • Die Grundprinzipien zur Beurteilung der Unterscheidungskraft einer Marke, Beck Akademie, e-Learning [The main principles to determine the distinctiveness of a trade mark]
    • Die grundlegenden Entscheidungen des EUGH zur Beurteilung der ernsthaften Benutzung, Beck Akademie, e-Learning [The fundamental decisions of the CJEU on assessing genuine use]
    • Die grundlegenden Entscheidungen des EUGH zur Beurteilung der Verwechslungsgefahr, Beck Akademie, e-Learning [The fundamental decisions of the CJEU on assessing the likelihood of confusion]
    • Markenanmeldung – Strategien und ausgewählte Probleme, Beck Akademie, e-Learning [Trade Mark prosectution – strategies and selected problems]
    • Techniken der Markenrecherche, Beck Akademie, e-Learning [Trade mark clearing techniques]
  • Lectures
    • University of Dusseldorf: ”Trade Mark Law” (since 2017)
    • University of Potsdam: ”Trade Mark Law” (since 2018)
    • Lecturer for trade mark law at BeckAkademie (since 2017) offering the following seminars:

    – “Strategic brand development and management”

    – “Brands in the Metaverse”

    – “Trade mark law from an in-house perspective”

    – “Developing and protecting brands”

    – “Trade mark law best practise“

    –  “Legal aspects of influencer marketing”

    –  “Effective in-house strategies”

    –  “Managing Trademarks in Media Companies”

    –  “The Art of Trademark Protection”

  • Awards
    • Best Lawyers® has selected Michael C. Maier for inclusion in the 15th edition (2024) as a leading attorney for high caliber work in Intellectual Property Law in Germany (https://www.bestlawyers.com).
    • Best Lawyers® mentions Michael C. Maier in the 14th edition as leading attorney for his work in Intellectual Property in Germany (https://www.bestlawyers.com).
    • Who’s Who Legal (WWL) mentions Michael C. Maier as recommended attorney in the category “National Leader 2022 (Germany-Trademarks)” und says about him: Michael Maier earns widespread plaudits for his significant experience representing brand owners across the gamut of trademark-related matters (https://whoswholegal.com/).
    • Who’s Who Legal (WWL) mentions Michael C. Maier as recommended attorney in the category Global Leader 2021 (https://whoswholegal.com/).
  • Memberships
    • Member of the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (GRUR)
    • Member of the International Trademark Association (INTA)
      – since 2014: Publisher of the “Practice Guide to Geographical Indications and Certification & Collective Marks”
      – Member of Famous and Well-Known Marks / Social Media Committee (2024-2025)
      – Member of the Commentaries and Book Reviews Subcommittee(2022-2023)
      – Member of the Trademark Reporter Committee(2022-2023)
      – Member of the Harmonization of Trademark Law and Practice Committee(2018-2019)
      – Member of the International Classification Subcommittee(2018-2019)
      – Member of the Europe Subcommittee(2016-2017)
      – Member of the Unreal Campaign Committee (2016-2017)
      – Member of the Harmonization of Trademark Law and Practice Committee(2012-2013)
      – Member of the International Classification Subcommittee(2012-2013)
    • Member of the International Trademark Association (ECTA)
    • Member of the European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA)
        • – Member of Anti-Counterfeiting Committee (2023-2025)
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