Dr. Lisa Lueg, LL.M.

Attorney at Law (Germany)

Lisa Lueg advises clients on information society law and industrial property law.

She specializes in technology-related areas of copyright law, including questions of licensing, equitable remuneration and rate setting, as well as the law governing collecting societies. A further focus of her practice is on competition and regulatory law in the areas of the data and platform economy as well as patent law.

Lisa Lueg advises clients on strategic negotiation issues in both individual and collective licensing as well as on contract drafting, often in a cross-border context. She also represents her clients in complex litigation proceedings before German and European courts and authorities.

Before joining NORDEMANN, Lisa Lueg gained several years of experience in her areas of specialization working as an attorney in one of Germany’s leading commercial law firms. She completed her legal training in Munich, Berlin and Cambridge (LL.M.). She holds a doctorate in copyright law from LMU Munich and was a Visiting Researcher at Harvard Law School.

Lisa Lueg speaks German, English and French.

  • Publications
    • Commentary on Art. 33-35 Data Act, in: Czychowski/Lettl/Steinrötter, Data Act, C.H. Beck, (expected to be published at the end of 2024).
    • Copyright theory for the information society, ZGE 15 (2023), 80-123
    • Teleological Theories of Copyright – The Anglo-American Copyright Discourse between Justification and Legal Criticism (Mohr Siebeck, 2022)
      (Reviewed by Michael Goldhammer, ZGE 15 (2023), 357-364)
    • Copyright law: Communication to the public through the sale of a multimedia media player, comment on C-527/15, EuZW 2017, 515
    • Trade mark law: Territorial scope of the finding of likelihood of confusion, comment on C-223/15, EuZW 2016, 906
    • National sovereignty and investment arbitration, rescriptum 2013/2, 124
  • Awards
    • GRUR Dissertation Prize and Faculty Prize of the Law Faculty of the LMU Munich
  • Memberships
    • Member of the German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property and Copyright (GRUR)
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